Healing Retreat Center



Private, Personal Retreats

Always wanted to get away from it all, and remind yourself of who you REALLY are?

These programs are for you alone, or with a friend or spouse, or your small group.  Prices are per person.  Other options available, so be sure to discuss your needs before you book your retreat details.

1.  HIDE-AWAY:  Private semi-quiet time, for reflection and catching up on reading, email, phone, etc.  Interact with others who may be here for other programs.  * 

                                    Fasting, or bring your own food..sleep in guest room…                                    $80.00/24hours    (Hint-We are becoming an AirBnb, and you can stay overnight at their lower rates!   Look for us in October, 2018 at www.airbnb.com)

                                    Fasting, or bring your own food..sleep on couches or in your tent…                                    $20.00/24hours

                                    We provide food to your menu..sleep in guest room…                                    $100.00/24hours


2.  SILENT HIDE-AWAY  Private “no talking”  time, for reflection,  seeking your truth and deepest desires.  Agree to not talk at all.  Honor the silence within to enhance your meditation. * 

                                    Fasting, or bring your own food..sleep in guest room…                                    $90.00/24hours

                                    Fasting, or bring your own food..sleep on couches or in your tent…                                    $25.00/24hours

                                    We provide food to your menu..sleep in guest room…                                    $120.00/24hours 

3.  YOUR VERSION of the VISION QUEST, MORE THAN JUST Private quiet time, for living as long as you want without the modern “electronic necessities”.   2, 3 or more days.  Self-confine in guest room or your tent , in silence, without any electronics, books, food, jewelry, makeup, etc.  Rest and meditate, fast, find your inner truth thru silence and introspection.  Can you survive without interacting with the world?  Someone will silently check up on you every so often for your safety.

                                    Do not leave the guest room, except for a few bathroom breaks…                                    (Use AirBnb rates)

4.  TOTAL SURRENDER VISION QUEST, more valuable and intense than anything you have ever experienced.  This is the physical version of “surrendering to God”.  More than just living without the modern “electronic necessities” for 2, 3 or more days.  Surrender yourself to someone you trust totally, and turn off your senses, in order to concentrate totally on prayer, meditation and sleep, and staying in a place of peace no matter what is happening in your environment.  Stay in our guest room or your tent , in silence, without any electronics, books, etc.  Rest and meditate, find your inner truth thru silence and introspection. Your trusted guide will move you from bed to floor to couch, etc., blindfolded, every few hours so you lose track of time and location.  Focus totally on peaceful prayer, meditation or sleep, in every location where you are put by your trusted guide.  This proves to be an experience you will never forget.  Your guide will be Bill Dewey, or he will coach your spouse or closest friend to guide you through this. 

                                    Fasting, or bring your own food…                                     $120.00/24 hours

                                    We provide minimum food to your menu…              $150.00/24 hours

"The body has an innate wisdom which, when allowed, can heal the body at all levels" – Dr. John Veltheim